Saturday, September 20, 2008

Vegas Jetlag

We're on our last full day in Vegas, staying at my brother's place. The plan was to adjust to the timezone here and climb a bit at Red Rocks. Unfortunately, adjusting to the timezone has been much more difficult than we expected. If it weren't for blackjack, this trip would have been completely unnecessary. At least we're very good at breaking even!

Monday night: no sleep. Airplane hell.
Tuesday night: we slept 12 hours.
Wednesday night: we were wide awake from 4am-6am.
Thursday night: we slept 12 hours again (me, more like, 14).
Friday night: we went to bed at 11:30pm thinking we could get in a good night's rest to climb today. We had only gone out once and it wasn't very productive since we didn't get much sleep the night before and you have to be out climbing as early as possible, at 6:30am before the sun gets too brutal. We tried to climb mid-morning on Thursday and it was embarassing. For some reason, we BOTH woke up at 1am and for the next four hours, we struggled to get back to sleep. We did manage to pass out at 5am, and forced ourselves out of bed at 10.

I really hope this gets better soon. No naps allowed today (I'd give up ice cream for a year for a nap right now). Work is going to be so hard on Monday!

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